Monday, August 25, 2008

Remembering Emily

I was in the process of writing my first entry for this blog when I got a phone call informing me of some terrible news: my friend Freddy Eddy’s beloved Lhasa Apso, Emily, had passed away.

Like myself - and probably you if you are reading this - Fred is a true animal lover. So I am sure you will understand when I say that Emily was definitely not a “pet,” she was part of his family. I cannot recall a single conversation we have had over the past several years in which Fred didn’t talk about Emily. She was a beautiful dog with an unbelievably sweet temperament. Emily was very fortunate in that she got to go to work with Fred every single day and she was always the first to greet you when you walked into Fred’s store. She was the perfect companion.

And she was a rescue dog.

Fred is a HUGE believer in adopting from the Animal shelter rather than buying from puppy mills. In the twenty five years that we have been friends, he has given several rescue dogs a new lease on life because many of them would have been euthanized if he didn’t adopt them.

Emily was a wonderful dog and will be sorely missed by all of us who knew her.